Homegrown Clean Energy Solutions
Selected for the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Program, an initiative in Africa focusing on clean energy to promote energy independence and environmental well-being through collaboration and innovation.
Why Choose Us
Empowering Local Expertise
We equip universities, private sectors, and communities to develop clean energy solutions tailored to their specific needs. No one-size-fits-all approaches here – we cultivate African-led solutions for Africa's challenges.
Building the Next Generation
We're not just training students – we're creating the next wave of clean energy experts and entrepreneurs. Our comprehensive programs equip participants with the knowledge and skills to drive innovation and economic growth.
Strength in Collaboration
We foster partnerships between universities, private companies, and communities. This synergy fuels knowledge sharing, accelerates progress, and creates a lasting impact across Africa.
Join the Movement
Explore our website to learn more about our initiatives, partnerships, and upcoming events. Here are some key areas you can delve into:
Capacity Building & Knowledge Transfer
Discover our programs empowering individuals and institutions to become clean energy leaders.

Meet the Esteemed Universities, Private Companies, and Organizations Collaborating to Make Clean Energy a Reality:
- University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
- Makerere University (MU), Uganda
- University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Zimbabwe
- West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)
- Nigerian Women in Agricultural Research for Development (NiWARD), Nigeria
- Instituto Politecnico Do Porto, Portugal
- Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Uganda
- University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria
- Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
- West African Science Services Centre, Ghana
News & Events
Stay updated on our latest developments, upcoming workshops, and exciting opportunities to get involved.
Together, let's ignite a clean energy revolution that empowers Africa to build a brighter, more sustainable future!
Explore partnership opportunities, volunteer your expertise, or simply spread the word!